Thursday, September 30, 2010

Brown vs. Board of Education

The book, To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in early 1900s which is when the segregation in public life is usual. And the case The Brown vs. Board of Education also takes around mid 1900s in Topeka, Kansas. A girl named Linda Brown was forced to attend an  all black school, which is few miles away, even though there was an all white elementary school near. So Brown goes to court to against the Board of Education to gain rights of African American children to have equal treats and education. The Brown vs. Board of Education case states that the separation in public schools between black and white students and equal rights and opportunities for black children to learn and educate. Similarly, Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird fights against injustice to give rights to Tom Robinson. But even though there is no more slavery system, since slavery has officially ended in 1863, they still have less freedom, and unequal treatments and opinion against other races. For example, Mrs. Dubous and some Jem/Scout's school friends criticized and insulted to Atticus because of his decision to protect black. But differently, Finch family is opened to other race, Atticus hopes he could teach black children how to write and read, and has Cal as maid. Both Brown and Finch shows how the small thing can be so influential.


  1. That is true, it is not fair at all that the African Americans had to go that far. They thought that segregation was equal, but it was not. I think what Atticus is doing is really good. He is a good example to the people. But its ridiculous how people act to others just because of their race. The Finches are good people, I hope that in the end, Tom Robinson is the start of more rights for African Americans.

  2. Good job I like the entire post, So overall for a grade I'd give you an A+ I like how you started with the insight of the Brown Vs. Board case so we have a little background knowledge on it. Also when it came to the connection to the book you did a good job of not just switching at a random point.

  3. That is good. I like how you said that the connection between Brown and To Kill A Mockingbird is that there is unequal treatment. I like that you said unequal treatment because although slavery is gone there is still tension between the two race. That is good that you said Atticus is interested in other races also because that shows he have respect for everyone.
