Tuesday, October 19, 2010

1st M.P. of Junior Year

Independent reading book, themes, To Kill a Mockingbird book, and blogs... The 1st marking period of the junior year had a tough beginning compared to the last year's. Last year, the expectations were pretty low, that I did not have to study or try hard to get A or B, but junior year required more time and more efforts. When I put same amount of time and effort with sophomore year, I could not satisfy with my grade.
To make improvements for myself, few things has to be changed. First, I need to organize myself. Get organized then everything gets easier. For example, I can make a little calender or agenda that lists the series of events or schedules for the class. If I know when I have test or quiz, I get to prepare for it and study. Also when I read a book, I can jot down some notes that will remind what the story was about. Secondly, time management is important. Wait until last day and do it at night does not work. I had to manage my time to schedule myself. For example, "Choose independent reading book and start reading it by late September" "Finish half of the book by October 10th" "Finish reading book by October 24th." Once I was waiting until the last day to read To Kill a Mockingbird. But on that day, unexpected tests / quizzes was planned on other class and I had to stay up late to finish all that. Good time managment leads to the better grade.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Musical Relation

In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Jean Louise Finch(Scout) stresses in between a tomboy and a girl. She like to hang out with Jem and Dill. Playing with Jem and Dill is fun, and she often told to 'do not act like a girl' by Jem. "Scout I'm tellin' you for the last time, shut your trap or go home-i declare to the Lord you're gettin' more like a girl every day"(52). Because of that she always has to join them without any her own opinion. But later, when Aunt Alexandra comes to Finch Family and stay at their house for awhile, Aunt Alexandra tells Scout to behave more gently, wear dresses, and acts like a girl. Scout always gets to told what to do, even though she has her own opinion and her own characteristics. And the song, 'I'm just a girl' by no doubt also states about how she(Gwen Stefani) doesn't want to become what people tell her, but rather to be herself.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Social Injustice

Emmett Till was a 14 years old African American boy who has been humiliated and murdered. Just because he whistled at a white female store clerk. Like Emmet Till case, Tom Robinson in To Kill a Mockingbird has similar case. Both Tom Robinson and Emmett Till was judged in negative ways just because of their race / color. If they were not African American their case would not be issued and gets bigger and bigger. AND There's still many social injustices can be found in small things. For example, the minorities in certain country is easily neglected and ignored by larger populations of races. Even though racism is getting better as the time pass, still it happens. (it is kind of personal but) When I first came to United States, there was some difficulties with buying all the stuff. My mom and I was shopping at some store, and we had buy pretty a lot off stuff, and it cost more than 400 dollars. At that time, we only had cash, but when we paid cash, the store clerk started to look at us suspiciously and called managers over to check if the cash was genuine. Well I did not realize that it was unfair treatment at that time, but like this case, social injustice is pretty common and it should be stopped.